In a time of pride in technological advancement and growth, a wise whale, an ancient sea turtle and a fun-loving perch lived in clear waters. This place once embodied the natural beauty and purity of the earth. The whale symbolized the boundless expanse of the ocean and its mysteries. The sea turtle preserved the knowledge of bygone times and the teachings of nature. The perch embodied the vibrant life and inexhaustible inspiration of nature.
Despite the crystal clear water, the friends witnessed mankind's ignorance of nature. Plastic waste began to pollute the waters and threaten the fragile balance.
In their wisdom, the whale, sea turtle and perch decided to remind people. With their intelligence and empathetic nature, they approached shores and criss-crossed rivers and lakes to draw attention.
They spoke without words and touched people's hearts. They conveyed awareness of the consequences of actions and the inseparable connection of all life on earth.
The people were deeply impressed by the wisdom of the animals. They began to change their behavior and realized that progress should not happen at the expense of nature. Plastic waste was reduced, sustainable alternatives were developed and the protection of nature was deeply rooted in our hearts.
The once polluted waters began to clean themselves. The diversity of life returned and nature blossomed in splendor. People recognized their responsibility as part of the greater whole and their future was closely linked to the protection of nature.

We founded our company as a family. It all started in the living room and kitchen of our own house. Behind the production in Cambodia, which we started together with our partners around 10 years ago, there are now around 600 families who produce our Beadbags Classic products under the umbrella of the World Fair Trade Organization.
We were able to overcome the hard times and challenges of the last few years so well because our whole team feels like a family. Caring together, moving things forward together, sticking together, developing new things together, working hard together, celebrating successes and the feeling of never being alone are fundamental pillars of our company philosophy.
The basis of our logo is an old family photo that shows the uncle of Stefan - one of the founders of Beadbags - and his best friend during their bricklayer apprenticeship after the Second World War in Cuxhaven on a smoke break. In this respect, this photo represents the roots and origins of the family. For this reason, and because we were so fascinated by the mischievous smile of the best friend and Stefan's uncle, we developed our logo from it. We firmly believe that this logo clearly symbolizes our positive values for our customers and our team and enhances our bags, backpacks and accessories on several levels.

Orange represents joy, confidence, change and warmth. Orange is a vibrant and dynamic color that is often associated with energy and enthusiasm. Orange is also often associated with creativity and inspiration. The color can help stimulate the brain and refresh the mind. Orange is a bright and cheerful color that is often associated with optimism and positive feelings. It can help lift the mood and promote a positive attitude.
All of these characteristics reflect exactly what we have in mind when developing our bags and accessories. For this reason, we decided that we would always use the color orange for our bags and backpacks whenever possible.
About 5 years ago, we also started recycling old tensioning straps on sea containers, which are mainly landed in the port of Hamburg. There are different colors for these tensioning straps. However, 95% of the goods in the containers are secured with orange tensioning straps.
This has led to the collected straps, which we rework into shoulder straps, being mainly orange in colour. We use these shoulder straps for the majority of our Beadbags Classic bags, which are manufactured in Cambodia under the umbrella of the World Fair Trade Organisation using recycled materials. So the colour orange has become an essential element of our brand, which stands for real, honest sustainability.
Orange is therefore a beacon and a symbol of our value-filled path. For this reason, it was clear to us that we wanted to use the color orange when developing our new sustainable Beadbags Ocean backpacks and belt bags.

Plastic avoidance in lakes, rivers and seas
At Beadbags we are proud not only to be a brand but also to be an official network partner of the UN Ocean Academy . Our mission is to keep plastic waste out of the ocean, our rivers and lakes in the first place. We are pioneers and specialists in recycling marine plastic and using it to create beautiful bags, backpacks and accessories.
We firmly believe that our approach to avoiding plastic in the aquatic environment is not only honest and unique, but also backed by science. Numerous studies, including the pioneering work of Professor Jambeck , have shown that preventing plastic leakage is the most sensible approach.

- Prevention is better than cleaning up: The research results of Professor Jambeck and her team have made it clear that preventing plastic from entering water bodies is much more effective for ecosystems and marine life than cleaning it up later.
- Prevention through recycling: We rely on recycling as one of the main pillars of our work. By recycling water-based plastic, we give it a new purpose and prevent it from ending up as litter in our waterways.

3. Awareness and Responsibility: We recognize the importance of raising awareness of this issue. By making products made from recycled plastic, we create a visible link between the everyday use of plastics and their potential to cause harm to the aquatic environment.
4. Working together for a sustainable future: To tackle the challenge of plastic pollution in water, we must act together. Beadbags works closely with the UN Oceans Academy and other organizations to raise awareness and develop innovative solutions.


Official partner of the UN Ocean Decade
Beadbags - pioneers in the sustainable upcycling of bags and accessories. Over 10 years we give tons of plastic a new life as stylish handbags, cosmetic bags and storage holders. Our high-quality products are made from empty fish feed sacks, cement sacks and leftovers from mosquito net production. But recycling is only part of our mission. We are proud to support 600 families and to work especially with disabled people. For this reason we have been appointed as an official partner of the UN Ocean Decade. Beadbags - for a sustainable future and a sign of change.